Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Insight into Ghana’s IEA Presidential DRIBBLE-ATE (30.10.12)

Midway through the debate I am turned off from watching the rest of the IEA presidential debate..... the reading on my blood pressure monitor says "no reading detected". So I figured, if my blood is frozen from watching, he that is down fears no fall right – I turn the computer back on to watch to the end……

Dr. Sakara: On Education, the petroleum money should not be reinvested in more Ghana owned drills but used for education. (And I take it that after we use all the oil, education alone will make us self-sustaining right?) He also says we should put emphasis on access to education and bring in quality at a later time. (I didnt know the 2 could be seperated. Oh thats brilliant)

Ayariga: "Other part of it is" - I didnt understand anything. By the way, thank you for "Encouraging the salary of Doctors" (I wish you'd encourage the doctors themselves too). Why are you mixing housing and ICT by the way?

John Mahama: I am confused, have you become pro Free-SHS now or? And you havent said how the 61% funding gap in tertiary funding will be filled. (I hope you know the British Government wont be funding Ghana's education budget forever) On debt Management - Ghana's debt is 44% of GDP, other countries do it and we are maintaining ours at a good level (firstly, it was never 44% and does that mean we should continue borrowing with no plan to reducing it? And why are we not investing the borrowed monies in areas that yield enough to pay them back on their own without us putting in more from national income WHY?)

Nana-Akuffo Addo: This is my neighbourhood so I can correct you on this: You dont have a lot of room in redrafting "value-for-money" in debt contracts, rather, you can only effect value-for-money on debts by the way you prioritise its use and in managing its resettlement. Are you kidding me? Debt is a very critical issue in determining whether any candidate has what it takes or even understands what it takes to restore the economy of Ghana and I think you have failed on this one....

ALL in ALL? - Lets go borrow Hugo Chavez and Pravin Gordhan to run the country... (All our candidates think the country is an NGO – there’s no business or entrepreneural sense in any of their answers - I AM REALLY SCARED)

A day after the IEA debate during choir practice:
Trebble (Mahama supporters): Am going back to the heart of free SHS, and its all about you, and its all about you Mahama...

Alto (Akuffo A supporters): Kumbaya Addo kumbaya (3x). Someones crying Addo kumbaya. Someones sinking the economy kumbaya...
Tennor ( Sakara supporters): yeaterday is gone Shakaara has come do something new in our lives.... do something new

Bass (Ayariga supporters): guide me O thy great Yariga... I am weak but thou art mighty, feed me with thine powerful bl3
ALTOGETHER Chorus: you are the most high you are the most high..